Membership renewal for 2025 is from January 1 to April 1

Regular Member (17-65 Years Old)$40.00
Senior & Disabled$20.00
Junior Member (16 and under)$2.00
New Member (Initiation & Dues)$55.00
** Work Party Dues Credit **
(if you participated in a work party)
Deduct $10.00

New Members Print the five pages below.

Current Members only need to fill out the forms if you have new information such as address, phone number, or have not completed them in the past.

Complete the Membership Application, Work Party Page, and the Waiver Agreement. (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download these forms)

Verify that you have signed and dated the necessary forms and mail the pages along with payment (Check or money order) to:

South Connellsville Rod & Gun Club
PO Box 2007
S. Connellsville, PA 15425
** Include your membership number in the memo line of the check **

(Current members are to enclose their membership card)

Renewals after April 1st are charged a $10.00 penalty!!
As always, you can join or renew before any regular club meeting.

(Click this link to download Adobe Reader)



Waiver Form Page 1 of 2

Waiver Form Page 2 of 2


We are implementing a new way to pay membership dues online. Please fill out the appropriate information below and click submit. For new members, key fob and membership card will be in the mail to the address provided when online payment is submitted. Please let us know if you have any issues so we can fix them!

*If you participated in a work party, please pay in person or by mail. We are sorry for the inconvenience!*
